Monday, 20 March 2023

Nancy Duncan 20/03/23.

Very sad to report that our most recent and much revered SVLGA Past President (2020-2022) Nancy Duncan died earlier today at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.

Nancy as anyone who knew her realised, channelled that force of nature she had for the good of Scottish Amateur Women's Golf.

From her club at Brechin to her Angus County all the way to The Curtis Cup, then to give us Seniors her time, wisdom and legendary humour, she was a huge supporter, a doer and I can tell you from personal experience, a hard woman to 'get one past'!

Anyone who was there at the Blairgowrie Vets Jamboree for the last couple of years when Nancy was our president will have a very fond memory of her. 

Nancy will be very much missed by all who ever met her and by all at SVLGA. Full obituaries can be found on the Angus County LGA website.


EV Captain

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Knock out competitions 2023

The draws for the Ramsden Cup and the Friendship Foursomes have now been done and appear under the Draws tab on the home page of the blog along with a contact list of participants.  

Monday, 13 March 2023

Spring Meeting at Dunbar 3rd April 2023

This is the first East Vets competition of 2023.

Please check in at the Professional Shop where you will be able to pick up a card.

Swap cards as you have done in the past and return your signed card to the red box which will be  in the Clubhouse.

Enjoy your day at Dunbar!

The East Vets Committee.

The draw can be seen here