The 2015 Prizegiving and AGM were held at Gullane Golf Club on Monday 16th November. Over sixty ladies attended the event with only a few not able to stay for the delicious lunch which followed the business proceedings. The main trophy winners are shown above (left to right : Elinor Blair, Carol McLeod, Karen Ballantyne (Champion), Jane McMinn, Dulcie Barnes, Jean Bryden, Ray Lynch and Sandra Kempston .
An account of the AGM and list of the 2015 Prizewinners will be posted to this Blog shortly. More photos may be viewed by clicking on this link
The new Committee are as posted aside, and the 2016 fixtures may be found by clicking on the Fixtures button (above, left)
After the AGM had concluded, Anne Brownie said a few words about Katherine Thomson who demitted office after seventeen years in the combined role of Secretary and Treasurer. Anne was delighted to present Katherine with a bouquet of flowers (see below) on behalf of the East Vets Division together with other gifts from a collection amongst members.