Thursday 21 June 2012

Ramsden Cup Concession

If East Vets have been wondering why the latest round of the Ramsden Cup has not been reported , then wonder no more as it is not yet completed.  The ability to toss a coin successfully to choose a winner in the event of a match not being played is not necessary.  No dire threats of completion by the required date OR ELSE can really do it when we have weather such as we have had this last wee while when competitors arrange dates and then can't get the games played because the course is unplayable or due to the rain coming down incessantly, as so often has been the case lately.  The next round of the Ramsden is therefore not due to be completed till 18th July.

Note to the eventual winners.  Are you remembering that it was agreed at the AGM last year that in the interests of fairness, the games at that stage will take place on a neutral course.  Once your result is known and reported to Katherine, she will tell you which course your game is to be played on.  This will not see you out of pocket any more than it is at the moment.

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